Melissa's E-Portfolio
"...and this is how I design..."
Architecture Culture and History 1 - ARC60103
Project 1: Online Group Forum
An online group forum was used as an effective discussion platform so that we could work in groups and explore the precedent studies of a given building with a historical architectural significance. In groups of 5, we were required to answer a given set of questions regarding our assigned building. Hafizi, Weng Keong, Mateus, Billah and I were grouped together and the building we were given was Santa Maria Novella in Florence.
Reflecting back...
This task was an interesting one as we learnt to work together as a team and help each other out. We also learnt a lot about how the architects of that time used scale and proportions in their designs as well as improved our own analytical skills.
Project 2: Analysis Presentation Board
For this project we had to individually complete an analysis board showing illustrative and abstractive drawings along with text providing an in-depth analysis of the same building. Each group member had a question to answer along with the Parti. I chose the building plan/section/elevation analysis. I also provided analysis on natural light penetration as well as the building's significant elements.
Reflecting back...
This was one of my favourite projects this semester. I learnt to produce a good analysis on the building which documented the concepts and disciplines. I also understood how the architects of the time incorporated scale and proportion into their designs and the many other architectural elements that give Santa Maria Novella great significance.
Project 3: 3D Abstraction Model
This part was in connection with the second project where we were required to work in the same groups to come up with the most significant aspects of our building and showcase that in the form of a 3D abstraction model made out of Balsa wood.
Since Santa Maria Novella is widely famous for its facade and proportions in architecture, we decided to incorporate those 2 elements into our design.
Reflecting back...
This project was quite hard as we struggled with our time management. Nevertheless we were able to complete it in time. Once again this project taught us the value of teamwork. There was also a final presentation and we were able to effectively convey our ideas through our presentation.