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Building Construction 1 - BLD60303



Project 1: Experiencing Construction


The first project in this module was all about experiencing, analyzing and documenting the different construction processes that take place on site. The aim here was for us to get exposed to the various construction elements, understand the principles of construction, the sequence in which these activities take place on a site and also to understand the importance of basic detailing. In order to achieve this, we were to form groups of 6-8 members, visit a construction site (with prior approval) and experience the construction techniques and processes whilst taking pictures, sketching and documenting the information provided.


Our group comprised of Alex, Daniel, Prashob, Reynuka, Alisha and myself. We chose two sites: One was a warehouse that was still in its early stages of construction. The other was a series of 38 ‘super-link’ houses each 3 stories high which were more advanced in their construction stage. After the site visits, each member focused on the documentation of one particular stage in the construction processes. Thereafter we compiled all our work to produce a complete report of our experience at the construction sites.








Reflecting back…

This particular project was of great help to me personally as the firsthand experience of a construction site helped me understand how all these processes take place. I now am also able to understand the various construction elements and their components. I was also made aware of the current construction technology and materials made use of locally here in Malaysia.



Project 2: Construction Detail and Specification


This was an integrated project where it involved producing construction detailing solutions for our individual design in Project 2B in Architecture Studio 2. We were required to individually produce a presentation board containing manual construction drawings for timber and/or steel detail and specification. It was a must to cover 3 architectural details:


1. Roof

2. Superstructure

3. Joint and connection


Through this we had to demonstrate our knowledge and understanding of construction from our first project for this module. The aim here was to develop an awareness of the interrelationship between technical knowledge and design.













Reflecting back…

Through this project, I was able to understand the structural elements in construction and its application in design. I was able to apply suitable construction materials, elements and detail/joint solutions of correct specification that were suitable to my design. I also improved my skills in manual drawings of the construction detailing. 




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