Melissa's E-Portfolio
"...and this is how I design..."
Environmental Sustainable Design - BLD 60203
Project: Nature and Us
There were two parts to this project: one being an essay based on any environmental topic related to our subject matter for this module; the other, an environmental poster that displayed a strong environmental message in relation to our chosen topic. In order to do this, we formed small groups of 3-4 members. Our group comprised of Saurabha, Mubarak and myself.
1. Essay
The essay (8-10 pages long), was to be based on an environmental topic related to any topic covered during this module. We decided to choose ‘Solid Waste Management’ as our topic. The essay focused on Municipal and Construction solid waste management. We chose this topic due to its close relation to the built environment. As future architects, we need to have a good awareness on how much of waste is being produced in the construction industry. The essay provides insight into how much of the two types of waste are produced in South East Asian Countries in particular Malaysia. It also contains the many methods of waste disposal used by some of these nations and their current positions in the shift towards more environmentally friendly techniques of disposal.
2. Environmental Poster
Here we had to design a poster under the same topic with the purpose of creating environmental awareness among the general public. The content of the poster needed to be linked to our exploration and reflection of the environmental issues related to our topic- Solid Waste Management and provide a strong environmental message in a creative, original manner.
Reflecting back…
Upon completing this project we were made aware of the current environmental issues in relation to our topic locally in Malaysia as well as in the South East Asian Region. We also explored the local and regional context of growth and have a better understanding of the relationship between growth and its environmental impact. We also learnt the importance of the responsibility architects have towards the society and environment.