Melissa's E-Portfolio
"...and this is how I design..."
Architecture Culture and History 2 - ARC60203
Project: Precedent Studies
This project was carried out in correlation with the first project of Design Studio 2 and was divided into two parts. The first was a presentation board that contained precedent analysis on the chosen building by the Master Architect from our project in Design Studio. The second was an individual analytical essay comparing this Master Architect’s building with another Master Architect from the same period.
1. Presentation Board
This project saw Saurabha, Alisha, Mubarak, Nabeel and I combine to work on a presentation board that contained architectural analysis on a selected building by a Master Architect of the Modern Era. We chose Koshino House by Japanese Architect Tadao Ando. In addition to the general information on the Architect, building, concept and dictum, we also had to individually provide analysis on 5 specified topics:
1. Spatial Organization
2. Structure, Materials and Construction
3. Components
4. Massing/Form
5. The External Façade
This information needed to be compiled in the form of diagrams and sketches that included short annotations.
Reflecting Back…
Through this project we understood how important the evolution of architecture was during the Modern Masters period and how revolutionary their ideas, concepts and principles were at that time. We also understood the value of precedent studies and how it contributes in helping us understand the various design strategies used by the Architect. Group work and proper coordination amongst group members as well as effective presentation skills were other important experiences we gained during the course of this project.
2. Analytical Essay
This was an individual task where we were required to write a comparative analytical essay of our chosen Modern Master with another Modern Master. We still had to keep to the topic we chose individually during the precedent analysis board. The essay needed to include an in depth analysis of the underlying concepts and philosophies of both Modern Masters. My topic was Massing/Form. I chose to compare Ando’s Koshino House with Villa Savoye by Modern Master Le Corbusier.
Reflecting Back…
Through this project, I got a thorough understanding of not only the life philosophy of Tadao Ando but also Le Corbusier. I realize the value of their contribution to architecture and how their buildings and design principles have made long lasting impressions on many architects that followed after.