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Architecture Design Project - ARC60108

Semester 6 forms the culmination of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Architecture programme. This capstone project is based on the theme of architecture with a social impact and the resolution and integration of technology, environment and cultural context in architectural design. Progressing from the urban issues of urban street environment, the design studio extends students development of architectural position and design brief in proposing strategy to resolving social issues pertinent within the conditions of the urban landscape. Located in an urban area, students are to further develop the site through and area, in which it will address the social needs of a particular urban place and provide interaction and connection of its people. 

The proposed sites is located alongside the River for Life Project (ROL). The River of Life plan calls for the cleaning of the entire river, while beautification and development works will be carried out along a 10.7km stretch in downtown KL. The ROL project which began in 2012, opens great opportunities for the proposal of new architectural ideas to further aide its realization.

Project 1a: Developing an Architectural Position and the Programme

Development of the studio design project begins with considering a position/topic in architectural design that can be explored in further stages. Based on that, we were required to conduct and present the following pre-design analysis:
1. Studies of the contextual conditions of the allocated site.
2. Studies on the selected user group and building types.
3. Studies on precedents that inform the ideas/approach/strategies underlying the design.


Based on this pre-design phase, a simple design brief was developed to include: the topic of exploration, the building type, the user group and the schedule of accommodation.

The expected output and project content is a multimedia/digital presentation that includes the following components:
a. Brief historical background of the site.
b. Site Analysis (macro to micro site analysis)
c. Project/Programme Brief (building type and function, requirements, target user, others)
d. Precedent Studies (programme-related)
e. User Analysis/User Study
f. Others (materials, specific regulations, issues & others)

Project 1b: Design Strategy Proposal

A more detailed and finalized Project Brief was to be developed at this stage, the second of the 3 part project. In this phase of design, we were required to use the information gathered through the fields of survey and analysis in project 1a, study and
further develop these ideas and options through the use of conceptual drawings such as: sketches, diagrams and study models to visualize different routes and approaches to the project.


Project 1c: Detailed Design and Final Report

The objective of Phase 1c was to consolidate an understanding of the holistic nature of the architectural design process, to a given degree of detail, with emphasis on design as an integrative process. The requirement was to produce both 2d and 3d drawings, a verbal presentation and a design report to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas with considerations of building performance (thermal comfort, acoustic and lighting), structure/ buildability, regulatory frameworks and safety considerations.

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