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Building Materials - BLD60103


Project 1: Space out-the Material "CUBE"


This was the first of 2 projects for this semester. This was an introduction to the module which required us to construct cubes of two materials: Wood and paper. 


I chose the two themes: Order and Disarray for the cubes. The cube made out of white modelling board showed Order whilst the cube made out of satay sticks showed Disarray.



Reflecting Back...

This project taught me that differenet materials have limitations and boundaries and that they are a significant factor in a design process. The process of making the wooden cube was far too time consuming and I now realize that a different type of wood would have suited my design more effectively. Hence I have taken a lot out of this particular project and understand the importance of choosing the appropriate material for the respective design.



Project 2: Materiality of SPACE: An Experiential Exploration


Project 2 was introduced in order for us to familiarise ourselves with building materials that are commonly used in the local construction industry. This project was divided into two sections, the first part being a group task and the other, an individual task.  


Project 2A


This task required us to form our own groups and chose a commercial area outside of campus in order to study the various materials used in the construction. Kelvin, Devinchi, Shu Ting, Jiahui and I chose a Malay restaurant in Puchong called Patin Place. We were then asked to visit the chosen site and gather information on at least 15 materials used in the construction. We had to create 3 A2 boards, one showing all the materials and their physical and chemical properties, one showing plans and elevations and the other a Mood board reflecting the ambiance of the space.

Project 2B


The second part of this project was the individual task of picking a spot inside the same restaurant and focusing on the user experience of that particular space. I chose the Beverage Station at Patin Place. My analysis consisted of the occurance of thresholds, the usage of lighting and different materials to bring out spatial experience.


Reflecting back...

This particular project was quite interesting as we learnt the importance of the usage of appropriate materials in construction and how they not only serve as structural support but also enhance and bring out the ambiance of the space. We learnt the importance of team work and I really enjoyed working with this group. We were also made aware of the importance of time management! 

Individually, I came to understand the importance of creating comfortable and user-friendly spaces in commercial areas such as Patin Place. Having completed this project I have enhanced my analytical skills.



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